Who is Ecolibrium?


Ecolibrium is made up of a diverse team of farmers, chefs, creatives and dreamers. Together we’re nurturing new ideas about community, farms, ecology and food consumption in the Sammamish Valley.

Alex Meizlish

Founder // Farm Director

After university, Alex landed in California, teaching environmental education in the Bay Area and the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas.  His burgeoning love of the environment and teaching pushed him to take a closer look at the food system and the impact our eating has on the environment.  

He started his first farm - Two Oaks Farm - just outside of Yosemite National Park in 2008.  Later he moved to the PNW, pursuing his master's in nutrition and psychology while continuing to develop thoughts around the food system and our cognitive, emotional and physical relationships to food.  

From days spent observing the daily cycles of insects and animals, to watching the weather and seeing the impact on the soil and land to the phenology of flora and fauna, Alex's values are deeply tied to ecological and emotional health.  

The farm is where nature and culture intersect. He believes eating healthy food, and being a part of its creation, is a natural right and paramount to well-being.  

Stefanie Hatlin

Chief of Staff & Stuff


Stefanie Hatlin brings a vast array of business management experience to Ecolibrium. Stefanie brings 10+ years of experience working in the not-for-profit art sector at organizations such as Velocity Dance Center, Seattle International Film Festival, and Chicago Public Radio. In 2014 Stefanie founded, Squid MGMT, a management company focused on producing and promoting many of Seattle's most successful dance and performance companies. She has also worked in the fitness industry as a personal trainer and strength coach for 15+ years.

Her love of food and farming has primarily been founded through her 25 year friendship with Ecolibrium Owner Alex Meizlish, who has been slowly but steadily opening her eyes to the wonders and diversity of the food biosphere. Stef worked alongside Alex for a single season harvest at his first farm, Two Oaks, in CA. She has witnessed the growth and creation of Ecolibrium since day one and is thrilled to bringing  her skills for organizational structures and business development to the table.

Simon Yoklic

Farm Manager

Simon has been Ecolibrium’s farm manager since 2024, and he has been farming for a while before that. He’s grown veggies, animals, grains, and hay.  When he and his wife moved up here from central Oregon because of her work, Simon just happened upon Ecolibrium. After like 6 interviews (haha) here we are. Simon loves to farm and hopes someday to have his own farm. Around the farm he’s the guy with the crop plan in his head. He’s trying to keep everything on track, direct the crew, and give help where needed. He enjoys waxing poetic from time to time (and we all enjoy when he does).

Honorable mention to his puppy Daisy who puts in a lot of work providing cuddles and licks to the farm crew!

Fun facts:

  • Favorite vegetable is winter squash

  • Loves southern Utah and thinks about moving back all the time but probably never will

  • Enjoys reading fantasy in his Lazyboy

  • Really enjoys hiking and backpacking but is always too tired from farming to go (to his wife's chagrin)

Kate Hall

Communications// Creative Design


Kate’s earliest experience with Ecolibrium was in the farm’s first season, when her former bakery had a farmer’s market booth next to Alex. The incredible produce won her over immediately. Now, 7 years later, she is fairly convinced that there are few things in life better than watching a beautiful sunset over productive fields.

Growing up in rural Western NY, Kate has long held a deep appreciation of food, both as nourishment for our bodies as well as a powerful means of connection - the growing, cooking and sharing of it. Working as a member of the Ecolibrium’s team, she enjoys being a part of the positive impact of producing fresh local produce, both on the people who slow down to savor its flavor, and become more connected with the natural world and its seasons around them, and on the earth itself through such care and partnership.


Alpha Dog

